Dappervolk Wiki

The Spooky Tidings items and Autumn event items are for sale in Nico's Prize Boutique for the duration of the autumn season! 🎃


Dappervolk Wiki
The Pet Alchemy engine bubbling over.

Pet Alchemy is a system in which pets are combined to form a new pet of either Fantastical or Legendary rarity, depending on the pets used. Pets can be alchemized using the alchemy engine, which can be found in the Pet Alchemy section of the account tab. When pets are combined, they will be permanently destroyed and cannot be reclaimed in any way.

All pets that are used in the alchemization process are consumed, meaning they will not remain after the new pet is created and cannot be brought back. The new pet comes with its own ID and starts off with randomized stats. Alchemized pets are created instantly and do not hatch from items. Pet recipes can be used to create a specific desired outcome, though the item itself isn't needed.


This page contains spoilers for the Dappervolk story, pets, and/or lore.

See also: PetsItem AlchemyHabitats

Random Pet Alchemy

The following pets can be created by combining five pets that do not make up a recipe. Currently, combining Fantastical pets will have the same outcome as combining Quaints. What pet you get is randomized. They are all of the Fantastical rarity. While most of these can be created in any pen, the Ashen Cinder Fox can only be created in the Jeweled Sky pen.

Pets available only through Random Pet Alchemy
Emerald Dragonlet Image.
Emerald Dragonlet
Pine Sheep Image.
Pine Sheep
Pointed Gryphon Image.
Pointed Gryphon
Poison Lion Image.
Poison Lion
Scenic Crab Image.
Scenic Crab
Ashen Cinder Fox Image.
Ashen Cinder Fox

Pet Recipes

Pet Recipes can be bought from Officiator's Record Office for Potatoes. potatoes. Limited recipes could be obtained by donating to the Dappervolk Kickstarter.

A recipe will require five specific pets in specific habitats, which can be added through using pen expansions.

The tables below should be read as the top row showcasing the pet needed, with the cell directly below it being the habitat in which the pet is required (e.g. for the Armored Ground Dragon, the first pet you'll need is a Black Moor Guardling in the Crystal Caves habitat, and the fifth pet needed is a Glowshroom Rabbit in Mystic Swamp).

Fantastical Recipes

Recipes of Fantastical rarity are adorned with a yellow bow.

Armored Ground Dragon  Armored Ground Dragon Thumbnail

Armored Ground Dragon Recipe
Black Moor Guardling Image.
Black Moor Guardling
Geodillo Image.
Rune Rook Image.
Rune Rook
Voyager Bat Image.
Voyager Bat
Glowshroom Rabbit Image.
Glowshroom Rabbit
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp

Black Heart Wolfrabbit  Black Heart Wolfrabbit Thumbnail

Black Heart Wolfrabbit Recipe
Black Heart Rabbit Image.
Black Heart Rabbit
Black Heart Rabbit Image.
Black Heart Rabbit
Black Heart Rabbit Image.
Black Heart Rabbit
Black Heart Rabbit Image.
Black Heart Rabbit
Black Heart Rabbit Image.
Black Heart Rabbit
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves
Starry Seaside Image.
Starry Seaside
Obsidian Night Image.
Obsidian Night

Coral Seamaid   Coral Seamaid Thumbnail.

Coral Seamaid Recipe
Ferry Mermaid Image.
Ferry Mermaid
Cabbager Image.
Seanaut Pup Image.
Seanaut Pup
Goldfish Sealing Image.
Goldfish Sealing
Gloomy Marine Imp Image.
Gloomy Marine Imp
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp
Golden Aquarium Image.
Golden Aquarium
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths

Cosmic Carp   Cosmic Carp Thumbnail.

Cosmic Carp Recipe
Anemone Sprite Image.
Anemone Sprite
Goldfish Sealing Image.
Goldfish Sealing
Aurora Sealing Image.
Aurora Sealing
Aurora Sealing Image.
Aurora Sealing
Octopirate Image.
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths
Obsidian Night Image.
Obsidian Night
Obsidian Night Image.
Obsidian Night
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths

Cosmic Sea Caprine   Cosmic Sea Caprine Thubmnail.

Cosmic Sea Caprine Recipe
Lightbulb Deer Image.
Lightbulb Deer
Golden Oliphant Image.
Golden Oliphant
Ferry Mermaid Image.
Ferry Mermaid
Anemone Sprite Image.
Anemone Sprite
Librarian Goat Image.
Librarian Goat
Golden Aquarium.
Golden Aquarium
Starry Seaside.
Starry Seaside
Starry Seaside.
Starry Seaside
Starry Seaside.
Starry Seaside
Golden Aquarium.
Golden Aquarium

Dande'lion   Dande'lion Thumbnail.

Dande'lion Recipe
Sunbee Image.
Sunbee Image.
Sunbee Image.
Sunbee Image.
Sunbee Image.
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields

Dark Crystal Skulling   Dark Crystal Skulling Thumbnail.

Dark Crystal Skulling Recipe
Scullion Image.
Black Moor Guardling Image.
Black Moor Guardling
Geodillo Image.
Mining Deerwolf Image.
Mining Deerwolf
Rune Rook Image.
Rune Rook
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves

Desert Anole   Desert Anole Thumbnail.

Desert Anole Recipe
Scullion Image.
Voyager Bat Image.
Voyager Bat
Succulent Vole Image.
Succulent Vole
Goldfish Sealing Image.
Goldfish Sealing
Sneering Pirate Eel Image.
Sneering Pirate Eel
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves
Golden Aquarium Image.
Golden Aquarium
Obsidian Night Image.
Obsidian Night

Fanged Koihound   Fanged Koihound Thumbnail.

Fanged Koihound Recipe
Pumpkin Pup Image.
Pumpkin Pup
Seanaut Pup Image.
Seanaut Pup
Goldfish Sealing Image.
Goldfish Sealing
Gilded Seashark Image.
Gilded Seashark
Sneering Pirate Eel Image.
Sneering Pirate Eel
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths
Jeweled Sky Image.
Jeweled Sky
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths

Floral Mantid   Floral Mantid Thumbnail.

Floral Mantid Recipe
Runty Turnipling Image.
Runty Turnipling
Scullion Image.
Spring Seedling Image.
Spring Seedling
Succulent Vole Image.
Succulent Vole
Cabbager Image.
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields

Flying Bat Fox   Flying Bat Fox Thumbnail.

Flying Bat Fox Recipe
Goosebird Image.
Lantern Pixie Image.
Lantern Pixie
Black Moor Guardling Image.
Black Moor Guardling
Golden Oliphant Image.
Golden Oliphant
Glass Harpy Image.
Glass Harpy
Jeweled Sky Image.
Jeweled Sky
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves
Obsidian Night Image.
Obsidian Night
Starry Seaside Image.
Starry Seaside
Starry Seaside Image.
Starry Seaside

Fungi Ferret   Fungi Ferret Thumbnail.

Fungi Ferret Recipe
Bell Fox Image.
Bell Fox
Scullion Image.
Glowshroom Rabbit Image.
Glowshroom Rabbit
Quickened Turnipling Image.
Quickened Turnipling
Peddler Raccoon Image.
Peddler Raccoon
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp

Glass Orb Fox   Glass Orb Fox Thumbnail.

Glass Orb Fox Recipe
Bell Fox Image.
Bell Fox
Topaz Sheep Image.
Topaz Sheep
Quill Sparrow Image.
Quill Sparrow
Ferry Mermaid Image.
Ferry Mermaid
Astronomouse Image.
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Starry Seaside Image.
Starry Seaside
Starry Seaside Image.
Starry Seaside
Golden Aquarium Image.
Golden Aquarium
Obsidian Night Image.
Obsidian Night

Marine Kelphorse   Marine Kelphorse Thumbnail.

Marine Kelphorse Recipe
Golden Oliphant Image.
Golden Oliphant
Succulent Vole Image.
Succulent Vole
Anemone Sprite Image.
Anemone Sprite
Gloomy Marine Imp Image.
Gloomy Marine Imp
Sneering Pirate Eel Image.
Sneering Pirate Eel
Starry Seaside Image.
Starry Seaside
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths
Obsidian Night Image.
Obsidian Night

Mercat   Mercat Thumbnail.

Mercat Recipe
Apprentice Cat Image.
Apprentice Cat
Cabbager Image.
Goldfish Sealing Image.
Goldfish Sealing
Sneering Pirate Eel Image.
Sneering Pirate Eel
Prism Gremlin Image.
Prism Gremlin
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp
Jeweled Sky Image.
Jeweled Sky
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths
Starry Seaside Image.
Starry Seaside
Golden Aquarium Image.
Golden Aquarium

Painted Lizard   Painted Lizard Thumbnail.

Painted Lizard Recipe
Bell Fox Image.
Bell Fox
Black Moor Guardling Image.
Black Moor Guardling
Goldfish Sealing Image.
Goldfish Sealing
Sneering Pirate Eel Image.
Sneering Pirate Eel
Prism Gremlin Image.
Prism Gremlin
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves
Golden Aquarium Image.
Golden Aquarium
Golden Aquarium Image.
Golden Aquarium
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves

Pond Mage   Pond Mage Thumbnail.

Pond Mage Recipe
Effervescent Snail Image.
Effervescent Snail
Peddler Raccoon Image.
Peddler Raccoon
Dappole Image.
Faerie Froglet Image.
Faerie Froglet
Petal Rainfrog Image.
Petal Rainfrog
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp
Witch's Tower Image.
Witch's Tower
Frog Pond Image.
Frog Pond
Frog Pond Image.
Frog Pond
Frog Pond Image.
Frog Pond

Prism Dryad   Prism Dryad Thumbnail.

Prism Dryad Recipe
Prism Gremlin Image.
Prism Gremlin
Prism Gremlin Image.
Prism Gremlin
Prism Gremlin Image.
Prism Gremlin
Prism Gremlin Image.
Prism Gremlin
Prism Gremlin Image.
Prism Gremlin
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves
Golden Aquarium Image.
Golden Aquarium
Obsidian Night Image.
Obsidian Night
Jeweled Sky Image.
Jeweled Sky
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths

Purrslane   Purrslane Thumbnail.

Purrslane Recipe
Miasma Purrling Image.
Miasma Purrling
Fairytale Blossom Image.
Fairytale Blossom
Dreamvale Blossom Image.
Dreamvale Blossom
Wickedlily Blossom Image.
Wickedlily Blossom
Academic Pup Image.
Academic Pup
Witch's Tower Image.
Witch's Tower
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp
Witch's Tower Image.
Witch's Tower

Red Heart Deerbun   Red Heart Deerbun Thumbnail.

Red Heart Deerbun Recipe
Red Heart Rabbit Image.
Red Heart Rabbit
Red Heart Rabbit Image.
Red Heart Rabbit
Red Heart Rabbit Image.
Red Heart Rabbit
Red Heart Rabbit Image.
Red Heart Rabbit
Red Heart Rabbit Image.
Red Heart Rabbit
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves
Starry Seaside Image.
Starry Seaside
Jeweled Sky Image.
Jeweled Sky

Scaled Oceanling   Scaled Oceanling Thumbnail.

Scaled Oceanling Recipe
Black Moor Guardling Image.
Black Moor Guardling
Glass Harpy Image.
Glass Harpy
Ferry Mermaid Image.
Ferry Mermaid
Anemone Sprite Image.
Anemone Sprite
Gilded Seashark Image.
Gilded Seashark
Obsidian Night Image.
Obsidian Night
Starry Seaside Image.
Starry Seaside
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths
Jeweled Sky Image.
Jeweled Sky

Spiral Imp   Spiral Imp Thumbnail.

Spiral Imp Recipe
Golden Flower Faun Image.
Golden Flower Faun
Lantern Pixie Image.
Lantern Pixie
Pumpkin Pup Image.
Pumpkin Pup
Spring Seedling Image.
Spring Seedling
Succulent Vole Image.
Succulent Vole
Golden Aquarium Image.
Golden Aquarium
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp

Spirit Messenger   Spirit Messenger Thumbnail.

Spirit Messenger Recipe
Golden Flower Faun Image.
Golden Flower Faun
Goosebird Image.
Lantern Pixie Image.
Lantern Pixie
Scullion Image.
Glowshroom Rabbit Image.
Glowshroom Rabbit
Golden Aquarium Image.
Golden Aquarium
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp

Stonevine Deericorn   Stonevine Deericorn Thumbnail.

Stonevine Deericorn Recipe
Essence Thief Image.
Essence Thief
Bell Fox Image.
Bell Fox
Runty Turnipling Image.
Runty Turnipling
Turnipling Image.
Stoic Deericorn Image.
Stoic Deericorn
Golden Aquarium Image.
Golden Aquarium
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields

Sunrise Celestial   Sunrise Celestial Thumbnail.

Sunrise Celestial Recipe
Stoic Deericorn Image.
Stoic Deericorn
Voyager Bat Image.
Voyager Bat
Quill Sparrow Image.
Quill Sparrow
Lightbulb Deer Image.
Lightbulb Deer
Ferry Mermaid Image.
Ferry Mermaid
Starry Seaside Image.
Starry Seaside
Jeweled Sky Image.
Jeweled Sky
Starry Seaside Image.
Starry Seaside
Starry Seaside Image.
Starry Seaside
Golden Aquarium Image.
Golden Aquarium

Sunstone Goat   Sunstone Goat Thumbnail.

Sunstone Goat Recipe
Apprentice Cat Image.
Apprentice Cat
Golden Flower Faun Image.
Golden Flower Faun
Pumpkin Pup Image.
Pumpkin Pup
Mining Deerwolf Image.
Mining Deerwolf
Topaz Sheep Image.
Topaz Sheep
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves

Legendary Recipes

Recipes of Legendary rarity are adorned with a red bow.

Celestial Owlgriff   Celestial Owlgriff Thumbnail.

Celestial Owlgriff Recipe
Pointed Gryphon Image.
Pointed Gryphon
Spirit Messenger Image.
Spirit Messenger
Glass Orb Fox Image.
Glass Orb Fox
Dark Crystal Skulling Image.
Dark Crystal Skulling
Sunrise Celestial Image.
Sunrise Celestial
Starry Seaside Image.
Starry Seaside
Jeweled Sky Image.
Jeweled Sky
Golden Aquarium Image.
Golden Aquarium
Obsidian Night Image.
Obsidian Night
Starry Seaside Image.
Starry Seaside

Celestial Sea Serpent  Celestial Sea Serpent Thumbnail

Celestial Sea Serpent Recipe
Scenic Crab Image.
Scenic Crab
Glass Orb Fox Image.
Glass Orb Fox
Sunrise Celestial Image.
Sunrise Celestial
Flying Bat Fox Image.
Flying Bat Fox
Armored Ground Dragon Image.
Armored Ground Dragon
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp
Obsidian Night Image.
Obsidian Night
Starry Seaside Image.
Starry Seaside
Starry Seaside Image.
Starry Seaside
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves

Centauri Seer   Centauri Seer Thumbnail.

Centauri Seer Recipe
Pine Sheep Image.
Pine Sheep
Sunstone Goat Image.
Sunstone Goat
Stonevine Deericorn Image.
Stonevine Deericorn
Spirit Messenger Image.
Spirit Messenger
Scenic Crab Image.
Scenic Crab
Jeweled Sky Image.
Jeweled Sky
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves
Obsidian Night Image.
Obsidian Night
Golden Aquarium Image.
Golden Aquarium

Luminous Seashark   Luminous Seashark Thumbnail.

Luminous Seashark Recipe
Poison Lion Image.
Poison Lion
Coral Seamaid Image.
Coral Seamaid
Dark Crystal Skulling Image.
Dark Crystal Skulling
Fanged Koihound Image.
Fanged Koihound
Scaled Oceanling Image.
Scaled Oceanling
Obsidian Night Image.
Obsidian Night
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths
Obsidian Night Image.
Obsidian Night
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths

Meadow Hound  Meadow Hound Thumbnail.

Meadow Hound Recipe
Emerald Dragonlet Image.
Emerald Dragonlet
Pointed Gryphon Image.
Pointed Gryphon
Spiral Imp Image.
Spiral Imp
Floral Mantid Image.
Floral Mantid
Armored Ground Dragon Image.
Armored Ground Dragon
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves
Jeweled Sky Image.
Jeweled Sky
Golden Aquarium Image.
Golden Aquarium
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves

Mechanical Sea Nomad  Mechanical Sea Nomad Thumbnail.

Mechanical Sea Nomad Recipe
Poison Lion Image.
Poison Lion
Coral Seamaid Image.
Coral Seamaid
Marine Kelphorse Image.
Marine Kelphorse
Scaled Oceanling Image.
Scaled Oceanling
Flying Bat Fox Image.
Flying Bat Fox
Jeweled Sky Image.
Jeweled Sky
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths
Coral Depths Image.
Coral Depths
Jeweled Sky Image.
Jeweled Sky

Swamp Hound  Swamp Hound Thumbnail.

Swamp Hound Recipe
Emerald Dragonlet Image.
Emerald Dragonlet
Stonevine Deericorn Image.
Stonevine Deericorn
Spiral Imp Image.
Spiral Imp
Poison Lion Image.
Poison Lion
Floral Mantid Image.
Floral Mantid
Jeweled Sky Image.
Jeweled Sky
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp
Golden Aquarium Image.
Golden Aquarium
Obsidian Night Image.
Obsidian Night
Mystic Swamp Image.
Mystic Swamp

Swamp Sage  Swamp Sage Thumbnail.

Swamp Sage Recipe
Prism Dryad Image.
Prism Dryad
Desert Anole Image.
Desert Anole
Cosmic Carp Image.
Cosmic Carp
Painted Lizard Image.
Painted Lizard
Pond Mage Image.
Pond Mage
Witch's Tower Image.
Witch's Tower
Witch's Tower Image.
Witch's Tower
Frog Pond Image.
Frog Pond
Frog Pond Image.
Frog Pond
Frog Pond Image.
Frog Pond

Bundle-Exclusive Recipes

The following are recipes where one or more ingredient (along with the recipes themselves) are exclusive to various support bundles or Kickstarter sets and are therefore now unavailable through means other than trading.

Jeweled Unicorn  Jeweled Unicorn Thumbnail.

Jeweled Unicorn Recipe
Pointed Gryphon Image.
Pointed Gryphon
Opal Valkyrie Image.
Opal Valkyrie
Stonevine Deericorn Image.
Stonevine Deericorn
Dark Crystal Skulling Image.
Dark Crystal Skulling
Sunrise Celestial Image.
Sunrise Celestial
Jeweled Sky Image.
Jeweled Sky
Jeweled Sky Image.
Jeweled Sky
Verdant Fields Image.
Verdant Fields
Starry Seaside Image.
Starry Seaside
Jeweled Sky Image.
Jeweled Sky

Obsidian Dragon  Obsidian Dragon Thumbnail.

Obsidian Dragon Recipe
Onyx Dragonlet Image.
Onyx Dragonlet
Spirit Messenger Image.
Spirit Messenger
Poison Lion Image.
Poison Lion
Glass Orb Fox Image.
Glass Orb Fox
Armored Ground Dragon Image.
Armored Ground Dragon
Obsidian Night Image.
Obsidian Night
Obsidian Night Image.
Obsidian Night
Obsidian Night Image.
Obsidian Night
Starry Seaside Image.
Starry Seaside
Crystal Caves Image.
Crystal Caves

Site Navigation

Main Branches Item Alchemy  •  Pet Alchemy
Side Branches Conecakes Alchemy  •  Candied Shells Alchemy  •  Mixer Potion Alchemy  •  Evolving Alchemy